Revitalizing Our Democracy for Every Citizen

Our country is built on the core idea that every voice is heard, and every vote counts. Every generation has worked to bring us closer to perfecting that in reality. Inspired by generations before me, I am deeply committed to reshaping our democracy into one that is more inclusive, transparent, and fair.

My Key Pillars of Democracy Reform:

  1. Ensuring Voting Rights for All: I am steadfast in my commitment to protect and expand voting rights. I believe that the cornerstone of a healthy democracy is the ability of every eligible citizen to participate in elections. I support measures that make voting more accessible, including automatic voter registration, extended early voting periods, and making Election Day a national holiday.

  2. Combating Voter Suppression: I recognize the ongoing challenges of voter suppression, particularly in marginalized communities. I will advocate for robust federal oversight and enforcement of voting rights laws to ensure that all Americans can exercise their democratic right without undue barriers.

  3. Campaign Finance Reform: I am  determined to limit the influence of dark money in politics. I support legislation to increase transparency in campaign financing and advocate for public funding of elections to amplify the voices of ordinary citizens, not just the wealthy and well-connected. And I support a Constitutional amendment to reverse the Citizen United decision that opened the floodgates and allowed wealthy corporate interests to drown out the will of the people.

  4. Ethics and Accountability in Government: I believe in the highest ethical standards for elected officials. That must include strict conflict-of-interest and ethics laws to ensure public servants work for the people, not special interests. This includes closing the revolving door between government and lobbying firms and prohibiting Members of Congress from trading in stocks and other securities.

  5. Fair Redistricting Practices: I endorse fair and nonpartisan redistricting practices. I believe that districts should be drawn to represent communities fairly, not to benefit a particular political party. Gerrymandering has skewed our politics, keeping some in office who are out of touch with the needs and preferences of the majority of voters.

A Call to Action

On day one, I will cosponsor the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to reinvigorate Democracy in America and restore equal access to voting rights and full representation in government. I believe in government that works for everyone, not just the privileged few. Join me in this fight to build a more inclusive, transparent, and fair democracy. Together, we can ensure that our government truly represents the will of the people.

Stand with me. Stand for Democracy.

Revitalizing Our Democracy for Every Citizen